Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween snackies.

I have two Halloween parties, one with kids and one without to go to this weekend, and need to take a snackie for both so I made this cute little dish just now and wanted to share it with you before all the festivities have come and you can all be as fantastic as me bahahahaha!!!!!!!
It's not baked yet but I don't imagine I'll be thinking to use my camera later to show the finished product all hot and gooey. I am having a cheat weekend and allowing my poor body some carbs, so I may crawl under a rock in shame for a while!!!!

The kids got to dress up for school today and had a chance to test drive their costumes before Sunday night, I'm a little worried about the warmness factor for Halloween night, I may need to pull a rabbit out of my hat to deal with that!!

Dace and I are going as a famous couple from the 80's..........any guesses?? HINT.......that's the back of my head!

Anywho, here's the recipe. Well its not really a recipe, more like instructions to yumminess.

Baked brie with cranberries and carmelised onions.

I purchased the largest wheel of brie I could find, you could go smaller, but really, why would you????
So its really easy....first carmelise some onions with lots of butter, olive oil, a little brown sugar and some port or balsamic vinegar. Get them all yummy and allow to cool.

I  used store bought PC brand cranberry and orange jelly, spread on top of the brie almost to the edge, and topped with the carmelised onions.
Roll out one package of puff pastry large enough to cover the top and sides of the brie and tuck as much as you can underneath, you want to encase the while thing if possible.
I trimmed a little of the pastry before this step to use for the web and spider.
Wrap up your brie as best as you can and decorate to your liking.
Bake this for about 15 minutes I'm thinking around 350c.

Happy Halloween everyone!

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